Friday, December 25, 2009

Memorial of Eugene J. Harn (Gerhard's son-in-law) - Died December 25, 2009

Gene Harn (Leona's husband; Gerhard's son-in-law) died at the age of 89 on Christmas Day 2009. PLEASE CLICK ON THE OBITUARY for easier reading.

In a questionnaire prepared by his son Dan dated March 6, 2005, Gene answered a few questions. The following are excerpts from that questionnaire:
How would you like to be remembered?
As bringing each of you closer to the Lord Jesus.

Any favorite events, memories, hymns, prayers or key beliefs?
Amazing Grace.

What was your favorite time in life?
(1) Watching you & your brothers in b.b. games & track meets.
(2) In Portland during WWII '42 to '46.
(3) Bowling trips with Mom (Leona), Tom & Jerry.

Favorite radio / TV shows?

Gene's high school graduation photo.

Dad in the summer of 2009 at Holy Cross Cemetery at his wife Leona's grave.

A photo of a DVD of Dad sharing memories of his early life with his son Tom on August 8, 2005.

Dad said that his father told him not to work for someone else so in this freelance sales position(abt. 1944)selling encyclopedias Dad said he "worked like everything."